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This customer in Kuttawa, KY had multiple projects completed on his home. We started with adding a tripleSafe Sump Pump in the pantry, where he was having water and moisture issues. On the front of his garage, he had some wall repair needing attention so we added Carbon Armor to part of the garage and the front of the house. CarbonArmor is the ideal, non-invasive solution to permanently stabilize block foundation walls. The CarbonArmor system uses carbon fiber-reinforced polymers that are many times stronger than steel, yet flexible enough to contour to bowing walls.
In his pool house/storage room, he also had some foundation issues causing wall failure so we added Power Brace to the walls. The PowerBrace system permanently stabilizes foundation walls. Zinc-plated steel beams are custom-fit to your basement height and tightly secured against the wall with brackets that are anchored to the basement floor below and first-floor framing above.
We transformed this customer's crawlspace with our Cleanspace material. We installed a Sanidry CX and Supersump to keep their crawlspace completely dry and free of any moisture!
We placed Waterguard in this customer's home to keep the water flowing and the basement dry!
Smart Jacks are steel support systes used to stabiize and level the girders and floor joist in a crawl space.The sysytem has been laboratory tested to support loads of more then 60,000 lbs, making it the ideal system to stabilize your sagging floors, any walls sittieng on top of that floor, and additional loads from the home.
This home owner was starting to feel like the walls of his garage were caving in on him and drowning in the water seeping in from the the rain. He finally had, had enough and decided to call us out. We had to give him the bad news that he wasn't imagining it all, But it was all fixable! After talking with him we came up with a plan, Power Braces will stop the walls from caving in, and water guard and a Triple Safe Sum Pump will keep the water out! He now has New Hope for his garage.