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Stabilizing Foundation Walls in Bettendorf, IA

The homeowner of this Bettendorf home wanted to permanently stabilize their foundation walls so they called the professionals at MidAmerica Basement Systems. The team installed wall anchors to not only permanently stabilize the foundation walls, but to potentially straighten them with time.

Basement Wall Stabilization in Bettendorf, IA

Ian W. of Bettendorf, IA had a crack in his foundation wall after a recent storm. He called MidAmeirca Basement Systems and met with design specialist Mike Banks. Mike recommended stabilizing the walls with CarbonArmor, which is working out great for Ian and his wall!

SmartJack in Pleasant Valley, IA

Christine was noticing stair-step cracking in her basement foundation and was concerned about the sagging floors in the rest of her home. She reached out the MidAmerica Basement Systems to have her home inspected. Upon assessment, Design Specialist, Mike Banks, presented the proposal of having SmartJacks and Push Piers installed to support the failing foundation. SmartJacks are steel support systems that are placed on girders and floor joists to level and stabilizing sagging floors. Push Piers are driven into the soil to help lift your home back to its original position, while potentially closing foundation cracks. Christine now has a stable, level home.

New Foundation Repair in Bettendorf, IA

Bowing wall repaired with push piers. 

Wall Support in Bettendorf, IA

This Bettendorf homeowner discovered a troubling sign: bowing walls in their basement. Bowing walls indicate foundation stress and potential structural issues. Thankfully, there's a solution that doesn't require major excavation – PowerBraces!

By installing PowerBraces in their basement, the Bettendorf homeowner gained several advantages:

  • Stabilized Foundation: PowerBraces effectively halt inward movement of the bowing wall, preventing further foundation issues.
  • Potential Wall Straightening: The adjustable joist bracket allows for gradual tightening, which may straighten the wall over time in some cases.
  • Preserved Landscaping: The interior installation process avoids any disruption to your yard or landscaping.
  • Faster Installation: Compared to exterior foundation repair methods, PowerBraces can often be installed more quickly, minimizing disruption to your home.


If you're concerned about bowing walls in your basement, PowerBraces offer a minimally invasive and effective solution to stabilize your foundation and restore peace of mind.


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