Before & After Photos

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Basement Waterproofing in Talking Rock, Georgia

Randall was looking for a waterproofing solution for his basement because he had been having issues for the last two months. In order to solve these problems a TrenchDrain was installed, along with WaterGuard. Additionally, CleanSpace was put up to create a vapor barrier. And IceGuard and a LawnScape Outlet were installed to keep the system running efficiently. 

Waterproofing Solution in Alto, Georgia

John K. noticed that water was seeping in the corner of his basement and growing mold, so he reached out to Atlanta Basement Systems to get a free estimate. After talking about the problems he was having with one of our sales inspectors, he asked us to send a team out to fix the issues. The main components of waterproofing John's basement were installing WaterGuard drainage system, so that water no longer pools up in his basement. Additionally, installing a SuperSump Pump and IceGuard and LawnScape to ensure the discharge lines do not clog. Now John has a dry basement, and he does not have to worry about mold!

Basement Wall Leak Solution in Dawsonville, GA

There was a foundation wall crack that resulted in a wet basement problem. In order to keep the basement dry, a SuperSump pump system was installed. 

Mold Remediation in Hartwell, Ga

This home had just been bought when the owner discovered that mold was growing in their crawl space. After a free inspection with Trey, he created a plan to remove all the mold and then build a system that would prevent mold from being able to grow in the future. To remove the mold, Justin went in and did the soda blasting and then Devon and his crew was able to waterproof the crawl space to prevent future mold growth. For the waterproofing, they installed CleanSpace to create a vapor barrier and they also sealed off the crawl space vents. A SuperSump was installed to pump any water out and then a SaniDry Sedona Dehumidifier to control the relative humidity and filter out the air. Now this home is protected from moisture and mold, keeping the whole family safe!

The Proven Solution For A Dry Basement in Jasper, GA

Atlanta Basement Systems basement waterproofing crew installed a CleanSpace Wall Vapor Barrier System and the TripleSafe Sump Pump System to always keep the homeowners basement dry, clean, and healthy

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