Before & After Photos

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Concrete Lift and Level

This customer had a huge void under her concrete that you could actually feel while jumping on it.  The concrete had begun to sink, which created a crack down the middle.  Defender Concrete Solutions used PolyLevel foam to lift the lower portion and stabilize the whole slab to prevent future settling.  We then sealed all the joints with NexusPro, a UV resistant joint sealer that will not crack and remains flexible.  This will prevent moisture from getting under the surface again.  The customer was please with the new look and peace of mind that she will not have to worry about it getting worse and having to replace.

Compression Guard

You can see Compression Guard that was added in the picture. Compression Guard is engineered thermo plastic that allows the slabs of your concrete to expand and contract without damaging the concrete. The slab pictured here pushed toward the garage and then retracted and settled. Defender lifted the slabs back into place, sealed the exposed joint and then added the compression guard to protect the slab in the future.

Stabilizing a portico, Rifle Colorado

The front part of this portico in Rifle Colorado had sank.  The support beams were actually loose and could be easily moved.  This was compromising the roof above and actually pulling away from the house.  In the before picture you can notice how far from the edge of the slab the support beam is compared to the after picture.  Defender Concrete Solutions was able to stabilize and lift the supporting slab using PolyLevel, a super strong foam that compacts the soil below as it lifts.  During this process the beam was moved back into its original place and became very stable, supporting the roof above.

Patio Lift and Stabilization

This patio in Rifle Colorado had sank all the way across the front of the house.  Defender Concrete Solutions was able to lift and stabilize the slab.  This was done in a few hours with zero inconvenience to the homeowner.  The results were amazing.

Sinking Driveway Repair in Grand Junction Colorado

This driveway had a large void under the surface and had sank, creating trip hazards and compromised the street appeal of the home.  The homeowner's main concerns were the trip hazards and protecting the value of the home.  Defender Concrete Solutions gave the homeowner a great solution that was far more affordable than tearing out the existing driveway and replacing since the surface was in great shape.

Defender Concrete was able to lift and stabilize the slabs, which eliminated the trip hazards and made it look great again.  The joints were then sealed with NexusPro, a flexible, UV resistant compound.  This will protect water from coming through the joints in the future.  The customer was thrilled with the results and the fact that the project was done and ready for use again in one day!

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